Hello, I'm

Ahmed Kamel

Java Software Engineer

Experience in Web Development & Problem-Solving

My Resume

My Intro

About Me

I'm Java back-end developer, have experience in front-end development with distinctive designs and portfolio. I work as a freelancer and also an online instructor, in addition to my problem-solving skills.

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Favorite Skills

My Skills

See what skills I have and perform, to develop the projects for you and meet your requirements.

See Projects
  1. Java & C++
  2. HTML & CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Python for AI
  1. Spring Framework
  2. Problem-solving
  3. Git & GitHub
  4. Databases

My Services

What I Do

Web Development

I develope high performance and well-designed APIs upon customer requirements using Java programming language and Spring Framework, in addition to distinct responsive webpages using HTML, CSS & JavaScript. I'm learning front-end frameworks such as ReactJS.

Online Teaching

I'm working as an online instructor, I have good soft-skills such as leadership, communication and teaching, in addition to my knowledge in programming fundamentals and problem-solving. I offer some online courses as an instructor or a mentor, such as basics of programming in C++ or Java, and basics of problem-solving and competitive programming.

My Jobs

Recent Projects

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